'Ten Commandments for Bridge Players' A5 Greeting Card
Ten Commandments for Bridge Players - A perfect card to send to Bridge players on any occasion!
1) Thou shall not play any game other than Bridge whilst at the table.
2) Thou shall not call a misdeal just because thou hast been dealt no picture cards.
3) Thou shalt never take the rules of Bridge in vain.
4) After losing three games, thou shalt not cry, nor stamp thy feet, nor set fire to thy Bridge table.
5) Thou shalt honour thy tournament director's decision, even though thou might find it unfavourable.
6) When thy partner makes a mistake, thou shalt not kill, nor cause him or her serious injury.
7) Thou shalt not resort to coughs, grunts, hand signals, meaningful looks, or kicks under the table to instruct thy partner.
8) If thou breakest Commandment 7, thou must not get caught.
9) Thou shalt keep table talk to a minimum, unless thou has some juicy gossip that will not wait.
10) Thou shalt not covet thy opponents aces, nor their success at making seven no trumps doubled and redoubled.